About Us
"Chicago Talent" is a Chicago online reality show that showcases the lives and endeavors of several Illinois artists and entrepreneurs. It is taking a new angle to the idea of creatives being successful in business. As so many people envision LA or NYC with this subject, we want to make sure that Chicago is represented as well. It will show them at work, at play and even some emotional moments that occur behind the scenes of such hardworking, ambitious talents. What you normally wouldn’t see when browsing their social media, websites or even interviews, you will see on this show. The series’ first three seasons gained nearly 200,000 views and received great reviews from several viewers and media outlets on a shoestring budget of several hundred dollars ! The first season being their test run, the cast and its producers were taking a leap of faith and were blessed with a great outcome. It is produced, edited and filmed by some of the same team who released The F...